Train First For Distance, Only Later For Speed

While there are all kinds of tips and tricks that can help you improve your endurance and ability to go the distance, what about your speed? How can you begin to shave time off your finish when your foundation of distance is solidly in place? It might not be possible to increase speed in leaps and bounds, but taking a second or two off the clock is often more than feasible. In many cases, the … [Read more...]

Your Friendships Will Make You Healthier And Happier

Exercising and eating right are two critical components in health, but they’re not the only things that matter. When leading a long, healthy life is the plan, people matter, too. Those who take care of their personal friendships and have a strong network of support are more likely to live longer, happier and healthier lives. Research has shown that support networks of friends and family are … [Read more...]

Should You Work On Fundamentals? No One Wants To Hear That

A movement pattern is what makes up a challenging workout. Not how many reps and how much weight you can lift, push, or pull. The quality of the movement is what really matters. Can you squat, lunge, push, pull, move into 3 planes of motion, stabilize and balance your spine like you do in life? An effective and challenging workout is about you moving better and feeling better. It’s not about … [Read more...]

Sugar And Calorie Loaded Beverages – The Downfall Of Your Weight Loss

You eat right and exercise regularly, but your weight loss isn’t what you want it to be. If you’re stumped as to why, you may want to take a closer look at the drinks you consume on a regular basis. Even seemingly “healthy” drinks can pack in a lot of calories and sugar that might be causing your weight loss plans to stall. Beverages really are the overlooked calorie giants in today’s fast-paced … [Read more...]

Rewarding Yourself Will Help Your Weight Loss

You’ve been working out almost every day since the beginning of 2012. You’re latest trip to the scale and the way that your clothes are fitting is showing the results you’ve been looking for. Now it’s time to dive into a great big slice of chocolate cake as a reward for getting the job done, right? Wrong! Using food as a reward for doing well in the gym and on the scale is a plan that can … [Read more...]

Larkspur Personal Training

Did you know that you lose 70% of your strength as you age primarily from a decline in physical activity? According to the Mayo Clinic you may notice thingsgetting harder as you age, so instead of maintaining or improving your health and function, you may cut back or stop your favorite physical activity. You shouldn't have to stop doing what you love to do. Unfortunately, when you do give in to … [Read more...]

Tiburon Belvedere Personal Training

Did you know that you lose 70% of your strength as you age primarily from a decline in physical activity? According to the Mayo Clinic you may notice things getting harder as you age, so instead of maintaining or improving your health and function, you may cut back or stop your favorite physical activity. You shouldn't have to stop doing what you love to do. Unfortunately, when you do give in to … [Read more...]

You Can Strike the Right Balance – Food, Activity and Attitude

Getting into shape, losing weight and developing a healthy, happy self-image is a journey that will not happen overnight. It takes time and dedication to reach goals and make sure the efforts made result in lasting change. If you recognize this balance as a lifestyle choice and change for the better your results will be long-lasting. So, how can you sustain yourself for the long-haul and keep … [Read more...]

Which Diet Plan is Best for You In Marin County?

You stand on the scale and just can’t deny the fact any longer: “It’s time to lose weight and get into shape.” The problem is finding and applying the best diet plan to help you reach your goals. With so many options on the table, selecting just the right diet plan can be very difficult. In Jonny Bowden’s book Living Low Carb the PhD nutritionist lists 38 (mostly) low carb diets and what they can … [Read more...]

Changing your mind can change your life in marin

If you’re ready to get into shape and really change your life, the first place to start is within your own mind. Leading a healthy, active lifestyle often calls for taking a mind-over-matter approach. Working out, eating right and making good choices calls for positive thinking to reinforce the actions you know you need to take. When you explore your own thought processes and your “mind chatter,” … [Read more...]