For 4 years now we have been providing personalized and comprehensive health and fitness services to those of you who inspire to be fit, strong, lean, and healthy. Now, it's party time! Please celebrate with us while we show you our appreciation! We are truly grateful for your support and patronage. On Sunday, October 21st from 12noon to 5pm we are having a special Open House with Body by X in … [Read more...]
Body Fat Testing Made Fast, Easy, & Effective
It's official... Personal Training In Marin is now implementing the most sophisticated, accurate, non-invasive, and painless method of body fat assessment and testing. The BodyMetrix Ultrasound System is a comprehensive tool to improve your health and optimize your performance. The ease of gathering data when comparing your fat free mass (lean tissue) to your adipose tissue (fat … [Read more...]
Father’s Day Golf Conditioning Program
Father’s Day Golf Conditioning Program Improve your physical & mental game, get stronger & more powerful while leaning out your midsection to a toned and flat stomach! Focus will be given to increasing your power, strength, endurance and overall personal fitness level, but even in 2 weeks you will have a blueprint of how to raise your game & conditioning to a new and much improved … [Read more...]
Upcoming Events
Busy Mom's Great Mother's Day Gift Experience If you’ve watched Oprah or seen Bob Greene or Dr Oz lately on television then you already know it’s not just about reducing calories or aimlessly exercising.... it’s about making lifestyle changes through nutrition and focused exercise personalized to your individual needs and preferences! Moms give, give, give to everyone else. Quietly promising … [Read more...]