Have you see-sawed up and down with your weight for years? Would you like to become strong, fit, and confident about your body? Do you have a huge fitness or lifestyle goal you want to achieve but you’re not sure how to get it done by yourself? Would you find one-on-one coaching and education helpful and motivating to reach your goals? Then our Private Personal Training is right for you.
If you’re tired of buying into the latest fad diet, fed up with packaged food that costs an arm and a leg, drawn to pills or potions that are suppose to “melt fat” – and you’re still fighting fitness and health issues – then we need to seriously make some improvements for you. That means… clearly defining your goals, examining your motivation, holding you accountable for your actions, and providing you with the support and knowledge to finally achieve all that you desire.
Personal Training will provide us an opportunity to design a comprehensive program that includes all the components required for your success. PTIM takes the time to educate and coach you on nutrition and proper supplementation. We develop appropriate resistance and cardiovascular exercise that increases metabolism and optimizes fat burning. PTIM will focus on a proper assessment to identify your mobility, flexibility, stability, and strength, which will certainly enhance the way you look and feel. And best of all… the coaching, accountability, and positive reinforcement along with all the fun will empower you to attain each and every goal you’ve always wanted.
Sign up now for your FREE ($125 value) no-obligation consultation. Wouldn’t you like to reclaim your energy and strength while building your physical and mental confidence NOW?
Don’t wait…take action NOW!
Click here for: FREE Fitness Coaching/Consultation (a $125 value)