You’ve joined a gym or gotten into a regular exercise routine and you’re all set to drop those 20 pounds you’ve promised yourself you’d lose for years. Your motivation is high and you know you can do it!
That is fantastic news, but it’s time to temper your enthusiasm with a bit of reality. The fact is your motivation is very high right now and that’s a good thing. Your motivation, however, isn’t going to last forever. When you’re 10 pounds in and that last ten pounds won’t seem to go away, you need a plan in place to keep yourself going.
So, how can you bolster your motivation and make sure it stays on course? There are a few fairly simple tricks that can help you retain your desire to achieve even when the going gets tough. Try these things to help yourself stay on track:
• Don’t work out alone – When you work out alone, it’s all too easy to quit in the last 10 minutes. It’s also a whole lot easier to skip a day here and there. You need a way to hold yourself accountable to overcome those dips in motivation that are very likely to occur. Instead of going it alone, workout with a friend. Keep up with personal training sessions. Join a group exercise class. Just do something that involves another human being that can help hold your feet to the fire if and when the urge to quit strikes.
• Keep a journal – The journey to get into better shape can be long and arduous. It is often fraught with ups and downs, too. Write down everything that happens in a journal. Record your successes and lament about your struggles. Releasing your doubts can help you gain focus. Recording your successes might give you the strength to draw on when you need it the most. A food journal and an exercise journal will greatly increase your level of success.
• Set goals – Saying you want to lose 100 pounds is great, but it’s a pretty big number to shoot for. While it’s a great idea to have an end goal, try setting smaller ones along the way. Use milestone goals to help keep yourself going. Give yourself rewards when you attain these milestones, too. Little things like a massage or a day at the salon for losing five or 10 pounds can motivate you to keep reaching for loftier goals. Look at your incremental goals as the stepping stones to your successes.
• Don’t punish yourself when you slip or make a mistake. Get back up on that horse and finish your race as quickly as possible. Everyone gets knocked down, distracted, or priorities can change quickly. That’s to be expected, but if you’re truly committed (you are right?) you will not allow yourself to be sidetracked without completing your goals. We all have experienced failures, but our successes are truly attained by our mistakes and learning from them.
Losing weight is a journey that calls for motivation. Keep yours high by enlisting some help. The pros at your gym or your personal trainer can help you get on track and stay that way. A quality coach and educator can empower you to go well beyond your expectations. I’m willing to guarantee it… 100%! FREE Fitness Coaching
About the Author
Marin health and fitness expert, John Spongberg is the founder of Personal Training in Marin as well as an accomplished author, speaker and life coach. He is dedicated to helping people reach their optimum level of fitness, health and body satisfaction through a unique, comprehensive whole-person approach, customized to each client.
Mr. Spongberg creates a successful experience for individuals who are ready to take the next step to, once and for all, achieve the extraordinary health, vitality and body they’ve long been dreaming of. Your satisfaction is personally guaranteed 100% or your money back!
If you’re ready, you can reach Mr. Spongberg at (415) 322-7033 or visit his website at where you can download your free copy of his special health and fitness report, The Truth About Losing Weight.
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