Community Support Can Boost Your Weight Loss

It’s no secret that working out to get into shape can have its ups and down. The dedication, commitment and time involved can make it tough for anyone to make sound decisions and take the right actions to get the desired results. This is where finding and relying on a community support system can very much come in handy. When you don’t work out alone, you may find yourself more motivated to stick … [Read more...]

Can You Learn to Love Exercise?

You know you need to exercise, but you just can’t stand the idea of getting into a boring, grueling routine. If you’re really ready to get into shape, you can make it happen by taking a different approach to working out. The simple truth is you don’t need to slave away on a treadmill to enjoy results. Exercise is often what you make it. Be creative and you can even learn to love it! So, how can … [Read more...]

A Truly Healthy Body Image Starts With You

Feeling good about the skin you’re in doesn’t call for developing a waif’s figure, a model’s face or a queen’s grace. The fact of the matter is a healthy body image must come from the inside – not out. No matter what you look like, how much you weigh or how graceful you happen to be, you can be happy with who you are. While it’s always wise to learn to eat right, work exercise into your routine … [Read more...]

You Want to Lose More Weight? Drink Enough Water!

If you’re having trouble getting over the hump when it comes to shedding pounds, there’s a secret ingredient to add to your weight loss mix. No, it’s not diet pills, medication, or a chalky shake! The trick can actually be found right in your tap. According to recent research, that old “wives’ tale” about water and weight loss is actually quite true. A study involving two different groups of … [Read more...]

5 Simple Things You Can Do Today To Change Your Life

Making positive, healthy changes in your life doesn't necessarily call for scrapping everything you do. In fact, there are five very simple steps that when combined can make a huge difference. If you’re ready to enact changes right now, try adopting one or all five of these simple things today: Eat better – Rather than cracking open a can or going to a drive-through, start eating whole … [Read more...]

Are Workout Gadgets Worth It?

So maybe you’ve been exploring the latest releases on the workout gadget market and you have to admit you’re impressed. Some of these items have every bell and whistle imaginable. While they are neat and trendy, you can’t help but wonder if they are worth the expense. So, are they? Generally speaking, the answer is no. While there are some workout machines, for example, that can be well … [Read more...]

Stuck At A Weight Loss Plateau? Bust Through It!

When you started your weight loss routine, you knew it would be a process. After all, you didn't gain the weight overnight. You couldn't have expected it to come off that fast. Unfortunately, you’ve hit a bump in the road and your motivation level is starting to wane. How can you get past a weight loss plateau to see the results you really want? First off, don’t give up! You can bust through … [Read more...]

Why Nutrition Is Almost Always The Answer In Marin

I’m Not Losing Weight… But I’m Working Out Hard! You can work out intensely and religiously and still not see the results you’re after with your body or on the scale. If you’re tired of sweating and not seeing those pounds fall off or your body shape up, it’s probably time to look more closely at your eating habits and eating choices. When there is a stumbling block on the path to losing … [Read more...]

Rev up Metabolism in Marin with Quick Low Calorie Snack Ideas

Low Calorie Snack Recipes and Ideas Enjoying a couple of low calorie snacks during the day may actually help in weight loss efforts by helping to maintain a vigorous metabolism while keeping hunger at bay. Eating a low calorie snack that is also loaded with nutrients keeps your body feeling good and healthy. Here are just a few low calorie snack suggestions that offer a satisfying and nutritious … [Read more...]

Weight Loss Goal Setting In Marin with Health and Fitness Personal Trainer

Focus On Goal Setting If you want to lose weight, setting goals is going to help you immensely. Goals can keep you on track and they can motivate you when the going gets tough. Mini-goals can be especially helpful if you set them and reward yourself wisely each time a milestone is attained. You need to seriously look at your motivation and commitment towards your goals. That way, you can stay … [Read more...]